Public Private Partnerships

Increased Potato Value Chain Efficiency in the Great Lakes Region

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Public Private Partnerships

Partnership building for Private Sector Development

Crosswise Works supports the Delphy B.V. led partnership to achieve their results and work as a strong partnership team. This partnership aims to create a connected and efficient seed and ware potato value chain in Rwanda in order to contribute to the food security of the country. The project focuses on seed potato farmers, ware potato farmers, the connection between these farmers and their markets.

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The Numbers

Stats & Progress

Impact Envisioned


Jobs Created


Youth Trained


Businesses Supported


The Main Activities

The Partnership

Delphy is lead partner and will focus on project management, agri knowledge development and knowledge implementation. The other partners are Agriterra, Hollanda Fairfoods Ltd, SPF Joint Ventures and the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources.

Bas crosswise1092
Responsible Impact Manager


For more information about the project, please contact Bas, who will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Email Bas
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