Contact Us

Get In Touch

Do you believe in the power of impact entrepreneurship and are you looking for a partner? If you would like to find out more about what we do, or how we can help you, please see our details below and drop us an email or fill out the contact form.


Address Headquarters
Stichting werkplek Tempel Amsterdam
Crosswise Works - Unit 1.01
Tolstraat 160
1074 VM Amsterdam

Company Information
Banking Details: NL12 TRIO 0198 0336 64
KvK Number: 62050834
BTW Number: NL854617930B01
RSIN Number: 854617930

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Reporting a Safeguarding or SEA-H concern

Safeguarding Channels

Crosswise Works are committed to the fast and fair response to any safeguarding concern of staff, participants, partners, volunteers and communities we work with or who interact with Crosswise Works through their programs.

If you have any safeguarding or SEA-H concern, please use one of the two reporting channel options:

1. Email your concern to

2. Contact our Safeguarding Focal Point for a virtual or in-person meeting: Malou van Niewkoop ( or via Linked In

Contact Us

Get In Touch

Do you believe in the power of impact entrepreneurship and are you looking for a partner? If you would like to find out more about what we do, or how we can help you, please fill out the form below.

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Engineering Change

Transforming Societies
While You Wait